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Memorandum of Understanding partners
Memorandum of Understanding partners
In addition to the DARIAH-DE operating cooperation, there is another important cooperation between DARIAH-DE operating cooperation and its Memorandum of Understanding partners. The integration of (infrastructure) offers and services as well as commitment in teaching and the organisation of (joint) events, for example on the topics of digital humanities, research data and research data management, are important contributions to the Memorandum of Understanding.
| University of Applied Sciences DarmstadtThe Hochschule Darmstadt (h_da) is one of the largest universities of applied sciences in Germany. Founded in 1971, it offers over 60 study programs in the fields of technology, society and art for around 16,000 students. Applied research and development play a key role at the Hochschule Darmstadt. The Institute for Communication and Media (ikum), which is based at the h_da, also conducts research in the fields of humanities and cultural studies research data, questions of cultural heritage digitisation, open access and digital humanities. |
| Max Planck Institute for the History of ScienceThe Max Planck Institute for the History of Science in Berlin is one of more than 80 research institutes of the MPG and was founded in 1994. The MPIWG investigates how new categories of thinking, proving and experience have evolved over centuries of interaction between the sciences and their surrounding cultures. Comparative studies across epochs and spaces examine the historical conditions under which scientific culture and science as culture have emerged. The individual research projects cover several millennia, they refer to the cultures of the West and the East, the North and the South, and to the most diverse disciplines, from Babylonian mathematics to modern genetics, from the natural history of the Renaissance to the beginnings of quantum mechanics. |
| Musicology Seminar Detmold / PaderbornThe Musicology Seminar Detmold / Paderborn plays a key role in the international efforts to standardize music coding and to provide advice and technical support for national digital music edition projects. With the founding of the Centre Music - Edition - Media (ZenMEM) and the Virtual Research Network Edirom (ViFE), the seminar promotes the interdisciplinary exchange of information in the humanities and cultural sciences. In addition to the development of tools for the specific support of musicological research, the seminar focuses on the further development of the coding standards MEI and TEI as well as on the annual organisation of the Edirom Summer School. |
| University of Applied Sciences CologneThe TH Cologne is the largest university for applied sciences in Germany. With its disciplinary and cultural diversity and openness in teaching and research, it shapes social innovation and makes substantial contributions to solving social challenges. As a community of faculty and students we see ourselves as a learning organization forging new paths. Among other things, the TH Cologne is committed to teaching and research in the field of e-science and research data. |
| Technische Universität Dresden (TUD) - |